
We invite you to support our mission of providing natural, effective and affordable reproductive care for women and couples

As a registered charity, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto relies on the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations to fulfill our mission to provide natural, effective and affordable reproductive care for women and couples.

Financial support can take many forms: annual and monthly gifts, donations for special projects, capital projects and planned gifts.  St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto is always happy to speak with donors about designating donations to a specific project or service stream.

Call or email St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto to learn more.                           416.465.2868 or

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto is pleased to offer a tax receipt for donations of $10 or more.

Charitable Registration #103515631RR0001.

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Current Fundraising Initiative

We are once again participating in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon Charity Challenge! Please visit our donations page for this year at

If you are interested in walking/running and fundraising with us, please contact and we can provide you with a referral code to register with our team! Participation can be in person or virtual for the 2024 Challenge.