Ask Yourself:

  • Do I want a natural way to manage my fertility?
  • Do I want a family planning system that is safe and without medical side effects?
  • Am I looking for a solution to infertility? Miscarriage? Premature birth?
  • Do I want to know more about how my menstrual cycle works?
  • Am I looking for a solution to painful periods and PMS?
  • Am I tired of taking birth control pills, using condoms, gels, IUDs, patches & rings?

Operating for over 35 years, St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto provides a circle of care focusing on informed choices in women’s reproductive health.

Using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, biomarkers are gathered to monitor hormonal events during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

This information is interpreted by specially trained Practitioners and Medical Consultants who then identify abnormalities and find solutions that work cooperatively with the woman’s cycles to achieve first their own optimal health and, if desired, pregnancy.

I’m looking for assistance with:


We offer free Discover FertilityCare Sessions so you can learn what makes our proven methods

of FertilityCare & NaProTECHNOLOGY so effective. See our Schedule of upcoming Discovery Sessions.

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto is a member agency of Catholic Charities and ShareLife. Please consider making a donation to help women and couples in need.

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