Respect the value and dignity of each human life from the moment of fertilization (conception) through the time of natural death.
Not prescribe or refer for contraceptive agents, sterilizations, abortion or artificial reproductive technologies.
Always respect the inherent God-given dignity of each woman and each man that we come into contact within our practice and will equally respect the God-given integrity of marriage.
Always attempt to provide accurate and up to date information to patients regarding the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTECHNOLOGY
Agree to work with patients who are coming to us, as a result of our relationship with the FertilityCare Centre in a way which evaluates and treats patients consistently with the principles of NaProTECHNOLOGY and Creighton Model FertilityCare System.
Agree to work with and support patients who come to us for Creighton Model services in their pursuit of the use of this system.
Agree to the principle that it is the right of each married couple to determine for themselves the number of children they wish to have in consultation with each other, in generosity and in prayer.
Accept responsibility for the exercise of our professional judgment in areas relative to this collaborative agreement.