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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Success rates for those looking to achieve pregnancy?
    For those with no fertility concerns, the success rate for achieving pregnancy is 75% in the first cycle, and 98% after 6 cycles of fertility-focused intercourse.
  • Success rates for those looking to avoid or space pregnancy?
    The method's total effectiveness rate is 99.5%, and our user effectiveness rate is 96.8% for avoiding pregnancy.
  • What is the Creighton Model FertilityCareâ„¢ System?
    CrMS is a standardized approach to observing and charting cervical mucus to allow couples to plan their families and for women to be able to monitor and maintain their own reproductive health.
  • What is NaProTECHNOLOGY®?
    NaProTECHNOLOGY® is a reproductive science that uses the Creighton charting to aid in the diagnostic and treatment plan for women seeking better reproductive health and/or couples looking to optimize fertility. The approach is restorative, seeking to bring the woman into normal, healthy cycles using medications, supplements, diet and lifestyle. Please note that surgical NaProTECHNOLOGY® is currently not offered in Canada. Medical Consultants here can refer you to a surgeon they recommend locally, or you can choose to travel to the US for a NaPro trained surgeon.
  • My GP says I have PCOS. What is it, and can you help?
    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a reproductive health disorder where a woman can have one or several symptoms: - long irregular cycles - anovulation (not ovulating) - cysts on the ovaries ("string of pearls") - insulin resistance - abnormal hormone balance - elevated androgens causing irregular body hair growth - and more The Creighton Model allows for day-to-day observations, so even with irregular cycles a couple can understand their fertility through charting. NaProTECHNOLOGY® can address the health concerns that come with PCOS, reducing symptoms and moving towards more regular cycles.
  • I have a diagnosis of endometriosis. What can you do for me?
    Endometriosis is the presence of uterine lining tissues in areas of the body, often in the pelvic area, rather than within the uterus where it was meant to grow. There is often pain, in addition to other symptoms, that occur due to the growth and shedding of this tissue within the abdominal cavity. Charting your cycles accurately will enable you to identify timing of your menses so you can plan ahead with pain management tools and lifestyle choices. NaProTECHNOLOGY®, through the charting, can help identify any hormonal imbalances that can be treated to minimize symptoms, as well as provide protocols for pain management with medication and supplements.
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